Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mostafa Daryanavard a political prisoner in Iran who is on the 5th day of his hunger strike

In the name of Freedom,
Mostafa Daryanavard a political prisoner in Iran who is on the 5th day of his hunger strike, was threatened by prison officials to break his hunger strike. Once the prison officials realized that their threats would not be successful, Davoud Baghviye the Evin prison warden for s. 7 of the prison further and repeatedly threatened him.
Mr. Daryanavard has stated that he will not break his hunger strike until such time where his demands are met. His major demand is the separation of political “crimes” v. non political crimes as well as the separation of political prisoners including himself from non political criminals.
Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the treatment of Mr. Daryavand as well as the general detainment of political prisoners with common criminals as a from of psychological torture. At the same time the Human Rights Activists in Iran are extremely concerned about the health and well being of Mr. Mostafa Daryanavard

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