Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Request of Two Human Rights Organizations for the Freedom of a Human Rights Activist Sadeq Kabudvand

In the face of recent increase in aggression against human rights activists in Iran, another human rights activists Mr. Mohammad Sadeq Kabudvand has been arrested by the Intelligence Ministry Officials.

On Sunday July 1st 2007 five Intelligence Ministry officials arrested Mr. Mohammad Sadeq Kabudvand at his place of work, and later on confiscated all his personal belongings at home, and took him to section 209 of the Evin Prison.

Prior to these events Mr. Kabudvand had been sentenced to a one year suspended sentence. As well he was banned from working as a journalist for five years and from producing the “Payame Mardom” newspaper.

This recent arrest by the Intelligence Ministry Officials was based solely on his beliefs and ideas as well as his human rights activities in relation to the rights of political prisoners.

Besides being extremely concerned for the health and well being of Mr. Kabudvand , we ask all human rights activists and organizations to condemn the treatment of human rights activists in Iran by the Iranian Government and to urge for their immediate and unconditional release.

Human Rights Activists Iran
Kurdish Human Rights Defence Organization

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