Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To the Amnesty international and Human Rights Watch

In the past few months we have witnessed the oppression of the Iranian studeand the student movement by the Islamic Regime in Iran. For example Mr. Ansari, Mr. Derakhshandi and Mr. Jahandar, three (3) students, and members of The Committee of Iranian Students (Tahkime Vahdat) have been arrested, tortured and have been kept in solitary confinement for months without any of their basic rights or need being met.

We have also witnessed the oppression of the Islamic Student Associations in Alame Tabatabai University by the intelligence ministry officials and the arrest of two members of Islamic Students Association named Saeed Feyze Alhi and Mazyar Samiee. Further more than 14 students have been expelled from the Alame University while 93 students have been banned from further studies and from entering the University grounds by the University "disciplinary committee" at the Private Islamic Karaj University.

Also organization and activities of student organizations in Tabriz University have been suspended, as well, the general secretary Mr. Younes Zareyvun has been summoned to the revolutionary courts. Student elections have been prevented and other oppressive measures towards student activists at Tabriz University are under way.

Another student activist Soleyman Sima (General Secretary of Islamic Students Association at Tehran University) has been suspended from university for one term and is no longer allowed to study at Tehran University. To further his studies he can only attend Karaj University. Furthermore elections for Islamic Student Association at Azad Shahr University have been cancelled and the general secretary of the group Mr. Saeed Mehdi Khoday has been suspended for a period of one term from university. As well as Mr. Khosrovani who was a running candidate for this organization has been suspended for one term. We have also seen the suspension of four other student activists in Sanandaj University.

About a month ago certain articles which were deemed to be anti-regime and anti Islamic were published in 4 Amir Kabir University Papers. Shortly after the publication of these articles the editors of these papers wrote and published a joint statement, stating that the articles were not written by the students and denied any involvement in the publication of these articles. However the Islamic Regime has paid no attention to this joint statement, and has turned Amir Kabir University grounds into an army base, by posting a large number of security officials on the university grounds.

Because of their political activities in various Islamic Student Associations the Students of Amir Kabir University have been under the domination and repression of the Islamic Regime. During a recent speech made by the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Amir Kabir University the students staged a protest and set fire to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s picture. Currently Amir Kabir University resembles an army base with the presence of an unreasonable large group of security forces.

On the 29th of Ordibehesth two Amir Kabir University students Ismail Salmanpour and Arman Sedaghati, who had been suspended from University due to their political activities were attacked and beaten by Islamic Regime guards, to the extent where they had to be taken to the hospital.

More then 40 other students have been summoned by the disciplinary committee and either suspended or expelled from Amir Kabir University.

Nariman Mostafari, Naser Pouyafar, and Hossein Tarkashvand have been summoned to court for their student activities.

The Islamic Regime represses student activists through summoning them to revolutionary courts for interrogation, by arresting them on their way or back from university or by entering their homes without a warrant, seizing their personal belongings and taking them to s. 209 of the Evin Prison which is under the direct control of the Ministry of Intelligence.

In the past few months 8 other Amir Kabir University students have been arrested and taken to s. 209 of the Evin Prison. The names of these students are Ahmad Ghasaban (Editor of Sahar newspaper), Majid Sheykpour (Editor of Sare Khat newspaper), Pouyan Mahmoudiyan (Editor of Rayvar newspaper), Majid Tavakoli, Ehsan Mansouri, Abbas Hakimzadeh and Ali Sabri.

Furthermore the health and well being of Mr. Abbas Hakimzadeh is in severe danger due to his recent back operation. According to his doctor he should not be kept in one place for long and any physical attack he may be subjected to in prison can be extremely dangerous and life threatening.

There is also great concern for the health and well being of Ehsan Mansouri who as a result of torture is suffering from a broken ankle and has not been allowed to obtain the necessary medical attention that he needs.

The Human Rights Activists in Iran invite the United Nations as well as all other human rights organizations to condemn this unjustified attack and oppression on the students in Iran. The Human Rights Activists also urge all human rights organizations to help free the students named above.

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