Monday, September 17, 2007

Human Rights Activists in Iran

In the Name of Freedom,
Supporting principles of human rights is a general duty regardless of any political, social or religious stand, and it is the duty of all freedom loving individuals to expose human rights violations.
Due to their strong belief in the concept of human rights Human Rights Activists in Iran (a human rights organizations in Iran), have worked hard to expose human rights violations in Iran and to provide accurate information for Iranians as well as the international community. Unfortunately we have been forced into writing this letter of objection to a number of different media outlets, who have either through censorship of our news or using our news without giving proper credit to the source, have violated the basic rules of journalism.

Although Human Rights Activists in Iran support the publication and exposing of human rights violations in Iran, they condemn media outlets who do not follow the basic journalistic principles and publish news without giving credit to the source of the news.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

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