Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hunger Strike of Mr. Abolfazl Jahandar

Hunger Strike of Mr. Abolfazl Jahandar
According to the latest report received from section 209 of the Evin Prison, Mr. Abolfazl Jahandar, an imprisoned student activist has gone on a hunger strike.
Mr. Jahandar was a member of the Islamic Students Association in Alame Tabatabai University as well as a member of the student organization Tahkime Vahdat before his arrest and imprisonment.
Mr. Jahandar was arrested last year by the Intelligence Ministry Officials and has been captive in section 209 of the Evin Prison for the past 11 months. In protest to the refusal of the Evin Prison Officials to transfer him to the common ward for political prisoners he has been on a hunger strike since Saturday July 14th, 2007.
Human Rights Activists in Iran are extremely concerned for the health and well being of Mr. Jahandar and demand protection and respect for the rights of political prisoners in Iran.
Human Rights Activists in Iran

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