Thursday, July 19, 2007


In the Name of Freedom

According to news received from the Evin Prison Mr. Mostafa Daryanavard who is still imprisoned at Evin is continuing his hunger strike.
Mr. Daryanavard is a supporter of Anjomane Padeshahiye Iran ( Iranian Monarchist Association). He was recently sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by Section 18 of the Revolutionary Courts and is currently on his 24th day of hunger strike. Mr. Daryanavard’s main request is to be transferred to Section 350 of the Evin Prison where political prisoners are held.
As a result of his hunger strike Mr. Daryanavard has become extremely weak and lost more then 16 kilograms. His blood pressure is also extremely low.
Human Rights Activists in Iran are extremely concerned about the health and well being of Mr. Daryanavard and urge all human rights organizations to condemn the inhumane treatment of political prisoners in Iran by the Islamic Regime.
Human Rights Activists in Iran

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