Wednesday, August 8, 2007

We ask that the E.U

Your Excellencies,

Human Rights Activists in Iran are writing to express their grave concern over the illegal arrest and detention of Keyvan Rafiee, a 23 year old human rights activists and the spokesperson for Human Rights Activists in Iran.

Mr. Rafiee was arrested on July 9th 2006 during student protests marking the 7th anniversary of the 18 Tir pro-democracy demonstrations. At the time of his arrest Mr. Rafiee was not formally charged, and a year later situation remains the same. After more then a year in the notorious Evin Prison, 8 months of which was spent in section 209 of the Evin Prison in solitary confinement and under physical and psychological torture,
Mr. Rafiee has still not been formally charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offence.

It is important to note that in the past year Mr. Rafiee has not been able to see his lawyer even once, and his lawyer has not been allowed to attend court.

His trial which had been set for July 29th 2007 was adjourned for the fourth time, due to the non-attendance of the prosecution. A new trial date has not been set. The Human Rights Activists in Iran strongly believe that the constant postponement of the trial is due to the fact that eh prosecution has absolutely no evidence against Mr. Rafiee and is keeping him in prison in order to be able to build a case against him.

The Human Rights Activists in Iran ask that European Union raise this specific case and insist that the Iranian government respect its obligations under international human rights law. E.U. should call for the release of Keyvan Rafiee or in the alternative for him to be charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offense and accorded a trial that meets international fair trial standards.

We ask that the E.U. take a strong stand against human rights violations in Iran, which has been increasing the past year and to ensure that the rights of individuals such as Keyvan Rafiee, who are detained solely because of their peaceful expression of their beliefs and ideas are protected.

We thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

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