Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Keyvan Rafiee’s trial date has been postponed for the 4th time in the past year

In the Name of Freedom

Keyvan Rafiee’s trial date has been postponed for the 4th time in the past year.

Keyvan Rafiee who is the spokesperson for Human Rights Activists in Iran was illegally arrested and incarcerated on July 9th 2006 and is currently in section 7 of the Evin Prison. This morning (July 29th 2007) he was taken to the Revolutionary Courts for his trial, however the trial was adjourned once again due to the non-attendance of the prosecutor.

Although Mr. Rafiee protested against this illegal action the Judge did not take his concerns into consideration and once again postponed the trial. Mr. Rafiee has stated that the Islamic Regime has no evidence and case against him and that is behind the prosecution delay. Mr. Rafiee has further stated that he will not stay silent and will protest against the cancellation of his trial for the fourth time.

Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the dependence of the Iranian Judiciary on the Islamic Regime and find this behavior shameful for the Iranian legal system. Further Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the illegal incarceration of Keyvan Rafiee and demand his immediate and unconditional release.

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