Sunday, August 5, 2007

farzad kamangar hunger strike

In the Name of Freedom,

According to news received from Section 209 of the Evin Prison, political prisoner Farzad Kamangar has been on a hunger strike since Tuesday July 31st 2007 in protest to his inhumane treatment in Section 209 of the Evin Prison in cell number 121.

Mr. Kamangar has been in prison for the past 11 months on charges of being in contact with opposition groups. In the past 11 months Mr. Kamangar has not had any access to telephone, has not had any visitation rights and has not had access to a lawyer.

Human Rights Activists in Iran have also received information that Mr. Kamangar was also tortured both physically and psychologically in Kermanshah prison and had gone on a 30 day hunger strike prior to this current strike.

Human Rights Activists condemn the fact that Mr. Kamangar has not had access to his lawyer, visitation rights or even the right to make phone calls, and express their grave concern for the health and well being of Mr. Kamangar.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

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