Wednesday, August 8, 2007

new wave of execution in Iran

HCHR Ms. Louise Arbour
UN Secretary General Mr. Ban. Ki- moon

Subject: new wave of execution in Iran

Your Excellencies
Zurich, August 2. 2007

I am an Iranian in exile writing to you to bring to your attention, that the news coming from Iran is horrible. In the last week of July 16 persons mostly youth or under aged have been brutally hanged. Yesterday 7 political prisoners in Tehran and today 7 in Mashhad northwest of Iran have been hanged and as usual on the street! Tomorrow some reportedly 15 will be hanged!

The middle-Ages regime of clergy men has destroyed our country, culture and life and we are expecting the understanding and assistance of all who are promoting the dignity of human rights and right to live humanely.

The reactionary regime of Mullahs in Iran because of its failure to obtain its desires for atom bomb and its confrontation with UN Security Council resolution is going to take revenge the political prisoners like the same has done in summer 1988; massacred ten thousands of political prisoners in notorious Evin jail in Iran.

We are pleading respectfully for your help to stop the executions and immediate releasing of all political/conscience prisoners in Iran.

Regime of Mullahs( so called Islamic Republic of Iran) has increased its brutal suppressing all freedom loving, civil and democratic movements such as women, worker, teachers and students … For instance Delaram ALI a woman was collecting signature to abolishing all misogynist gender based legislation, has condemned to 2 years and 10 months imprisonment term and lashes!. Mansur OSANLOO, the transport syndicate secretary, previously many times arrested and tortured, after coming back to country from participation in annual session of International Transport Federation, another time has been beaten and abducted on the street and jailed, sustaining torture. Mr. Mahmoud SALEHI bakers syndicate chief person is still in prison, suffering sever kidney sickness, needs immediate medical treatment and has crucial situation.

Keyvan RAFIEE the spokesman of Human Rights Activist in Iran, is now more than 13 months confined; many months in solitary confinement without any trail in ward 7 Evin prison.

Hundreds of students are still in prisons and suffering repeatedly brutal torture such as Mansour RADPOUR has recently been brutally tortured his ribs and teeth have been broken.

Madjid KAWUSIFAR who asked for asylum in American embassy in Arab United Emirate but denied and was deported to Iran. He was among those who were hanged Yesterday; August 2.

Many young are in the raw of execution such as Mosleh ZAMANI a boy17years old from Sanandaj west Iran.

We (Progressive Women Organization)can not standing the extreme agony of the mothers; all Iranian pleading for help.
We appreciate your timely measures to be taken in this regards putting pressure on Iranian authorities to abandon the barbaric rule and fulfil their commitments and obligations to Universal Declaration of Human Rights which has signed it.

Those who are struggling for democracy and freedom condemn vigorously the brutality of ruling regime in Iran especially the thug vigilantes in Ahmadi-nezhad cabinet.

In the name of humanity I urge you to interfere to put an end to these crimes. Please take action before being too late and thank you very much indeed. For any further information I am available at any time at your convenience.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Zahar Erfani

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