Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Farzad Kamangar in solitary confinement

In the Name of Freedom,

According to news received from Section 209 of the Evin Prison, Mr. Farzad Kamangar, a political prisoner that has been on hunger strike since Tuesday July 31st 2008 has been sent to solitary confinement.

Mr. Kamangar had gone on a hunger strike in order to protest his inhumane treatment in the Evin Prison. It is believed that he was put in solitary confinement in order to increase the pressure on him and make him end his hunger strike. Both his family and former cellmates are extremely concerned about his health and well being.

It is important to mention that Mr. Kamangar has been in custody for more then 11 months and has not had access to a lawyer, phone calls or visitation with his family.

Human Rights Activists in Iran are extremely concerned about the health and well being of Mr. Kamangar and ask all human rights organizations to condemn the inhumane treatment of political prisoners in Iran.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

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