Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Recent news from Evin Prison

In the Name of Freedom,

According to recent news received from the Evin Prison political prisoner Mostafa Daryanavard has ended his 30 day hunger strike, only after negotiations with prison officials and the promise that his demands would be met, namely the separation of “political” prisoners from “non-political” prisoners and his transfer to section 350 of the Evin Prison where political prisoners are held captive. As a result of his hunger strike Mr. Daryanavard has lost more then 19 kilograms and has developed a number of illnesses.

Also political prisoners Mr. Saleh Kohandel, Mr. Hossein Akkari, Abbas Jabli, Ali Farabkhesh and Hassan Fallahi who were all under severe physical and psychological torture in section 209 of the Evin Prison in the past few months have all been transferred to section 350 of the Evin Prison among the rest of the political prisoners.

Human Rights Activists

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