Monday, September 17, 2007

Human Rights Activists in Iran

In the Name of Freedom,
Supporting principles of human rights is a general duty regardless of any political, social or religious stand, and it is the duty of all freedom loving individuals to expose human rights violations.
Due to their strong belief in the concept of human rights Human Rights Activists in Iran (a human rights organizations in Iran), have worked hard to expose human rights violations in Iran and to provide accurate information for Iranians as well as the international community. Unfortunately we have been forced into writing this letter of objection to a number of different media outlets, who have either through censorship of our news or using our news without giving proper credit to the source, have violated the basic rules of journalism.

Although Human Rights Activists in Iran support the publication and exposing of human rights violations in Iran, they condemn media outlets who do not follow the basic journalistic principles and publish news without giving credit to the source of the news.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

foreign journalists.

In the Name of Freedom,

On Tuesday September 11, 2007 two political prisoners were removed from the section where they were being incarcerated for the period of two hours, to prevent them from speaking to a foreign reporter who was visiting the prison.

Mr. Keyvan Rafiee and Mr. Arjang Davoudi were removed from section 350 of the Evin prison between the hours of 9:30am-11:30am so that they would not be able to meet to the foreign journalist.

Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the creation of an ideal scenario in the prison for foreign journalists and would like to remind the Iranian Regime that so far these scenarios have not given the desired result and the voice of political prisoners will be heard by the world, one way or another.

Human Rights Activists in Iran.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Recent Arrests

In the Name of Freedom,

According to news received, in addition to the arrest of Mr. Abbas Khorsandi, Mr. Bahram Raskhifar and Mitam Rudaki were arrested in Tehran and Mannsour Farji was arrested in the city of Sanandaj on Sunday September 9th 2007.

Mr. Abbas Khorsandi was arrested in the city of Firuzkuh and Mr. Bahram Raskhifar, Mitam Rudaki were arrested in the city of Tehran, and Mr. Mansour Farji was arrested in the city of Sanandaj by plain clothed officials linked to the Intelligence Ministry and taken to a unknown location. After his arrest in Sanandaj Mr. Farji was transferred to Tehran, where his home was searched by the Intelligence Ministry Officials and then he was taken to an unknown location.

Further two other individuals Kaveh Shirzadiyan and Ms. Sepideh Pouraghayi have gone “missing” and there is a great chance that they have also been arrested.

Also on Wednesday September 12th 2007 at 7pm Mr. Abbas Lesani a student activists was beaten and arrested by the security forces for writing the slogan political prisoners must be freed.

Human Rights Activists in Iran will also expose the illegal arrests and disappearances of human rights activists which has taken place in the recent months in the very near future. Human Rights Activists urge all human rights organizations to condemn these illegal arrests and the oppression of human rights activists in Iran, and to take a strong stand against this injustice.

Human Rights Activists in Iran.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

We ask that the E.U

Your Excellencies,

Human Rights Activists in Iran are writing to express their grave concern over the illegal arrest and detention of Keyvan Rafiee, a 23 year old human rights activists and the spokesperson for Human Rights Activists in Iran.

Mr. Rafiee was arrested on July 9th 2006 during student protests marking the 7th anniversary of the 18 Tir pro-democracy demonstrations. At the time of his arrest Mr. Rafiee was not formally charged, and a year later situation remains the same. After more then a year in the notorious Evin Prison, 8 months of which was spent in section 209 of the Evin Prison in solitary confinement and under physical and psychological torture,
Mr. Rafiee has still not been formally charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offence.

It is important to note that in the past year Mr. Rafiee has not been able to see his lawyer even once, and his lawyer has not been allowed to attend court.

His trial which had been set for July 29th 2007 was adjourned for the fourth time, due to the non-attendance of the prosecution. A new trial date has not been set. The Human Rights Activists in Iran strongly believe that the constant postponement of the trial is due to the fact that eh prosecution has absolutely no evidence against Mr. Rafiee and is keeping him in prison in order to be able to build a case against him.

The Human Rights Activists in Iran ask that European Union raise this specific case and insist that the Iranian government respect its obligations under international human rights law. E.U. should call for the release of Keyvan Rafiee or in the alternative for him to be charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offense and accorded a trial that meets international fair trial standards.

We ask that the E.U. take a strong stand against human rights violations in Iran, which has been increasing the past year and to ensure that the rights of individuals such as Keyvan Rafiee, who are detained solely because of their peaceful expression of their beliefs and ideas are protected.

We thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Keyvan Rafiee’s trial date has been postponed for the 4th time in the past year

In the Name of Freedom

Keyvan Rafiee’s trial date has been postponed for the 4th time in the past year.

Keyvan Rafiee who is the spokesperson for Human Rights Activists in Iran was illegally arrested and incarcerated on July 9th 2006 and is currently in section 7 of the Evin Prison. This morning (July 29th 2007) he was taken to the Revolutionary Courts for his trial, however the trial was adjourned once again due to the non-attendance of the prosecutor.

Although Mr. Rafiee protested against this illegal action the Judge did not take his concerns into consideration and once again postponed the trial. Mr. Rafiee has stated that the Islamic Regime has no evidence and case against him and that is behind the prosecution delay. Mr. Rafiee has further stated that he will not stay silent and will protest against the cancellation of his trial for the fourth time.

Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the dependence of the Iranian Judiciary on the Islamic Regime and find this behavior shameful for the Iranian legal system. Further Human Rights Activists in Iran condemn the illegal incarceration of Keyvan Rafiee and demand his immediate and unconditional release.

Recent news from Evin Prison

In the Name of Freedom,

According to recent news received from the Evin Prison political prisoner Mostafa Daryanavard has ended his 30 day hunger strike, only after negotiations with prison officials and the promise that his demands would be met, namely the separation of “political” prisoners from “non-political” prisoners and his transfer to section 350 of the Evin Prison where political prisoners are held captive. As a result of his hunger strike Mr. Daryanavard has lost more then 19 kilograms and has developed a number of illnesses.

Also political prisoners Mr. Saleh Kohandel, Mr. Hossein Akkari, Abbas Jabli, Ali Farabkhesh and Hassan Fallahi who were all under severe physical and psychological torture in section 209 of the Evin Prison in the past few months have all been transferred to section 350 of the Evin Prison among the rest of the political prisoners.

Human Rights Activists

Farzad Kamangar in solitary confinement

In the Name of Freedom,

According to news received from Section 209 of the Evin Prison, Mr. Farzad Kamangar, a political prisoner that has been on hunger strike since Tuesday July 31st 2008 has been sent to solitary confinement.

Mr. Kamangar had gone on a hunger strike in order to protest his inhumane treatment in the Evin Prison. It is believed that he was put in solitary confinement in order to increase the pressure on him and make him end his hunger strike. Both his family and former cellmates are extremely concerned about his health and well being.

It is important to mention that Mr. Kamangar has been in custody for more then 11 months and has not had access to a lawyer, phone calls or visitation with his family.

Human Rights Activists in Iran are extremely concerned about the health and well being of Mr. Kamangar and ask all human rights organizations to condemn the inhumane treatment of political prisoners in Iran.

Human Rights Activists in Iran